The First Contestant to Eliminate from Nach Baliye 7 | Droutinelife
Who are the first contestants to get elimination from Nach Baliye 7????
Do u want to know?????
Then you are at the right place. Here we will disclose the information about elimination of Contestants who will be eliminated The First. The Shooting for Nach Baliye 7 has been started off and the latest news is that one of the contestant has got eliminated. It is the most talented Dance Couple. Yes, it is Smiley Suri and her husband Vineet Bangera. As we know Smiley and Vineet are the most talented Couple among other couples.

Smiley Suri and Vineet Bangera are eliminated after the 3 judges have given them the lowest scores. So Watch Nach Baliye 7 to see more twists. As there were other couples who are not efficient like of them. I am sure, more and more twists are waiting for us.
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