Droutinelife : Shabbir Ahluwalia shines on Canadian soil – Zee TV Canada was the title sponsor of Mahotsav, the South Asian SummerFest – one of the largest South Asian events of its kind in the Greater Toronto Area. Recently, Canadians got the chance to meet the one and only Rock Star – Shabbir Ahluwalia – aka ‘Abhi’ from their favorite Zee TV show ‘Kumkum Bhagya’ at The International Centre in Mississauga, Ontario.

Mahotsav is a community event showcasing the finest in South Asian arts, music, food, and culture. By bringing thousands of South Asians together, Mahotsav featured exotic flavors, captivating sounds and the elegant history of South Asian culture.
Shabbir Ahluwalia (Abhi) as a brand ambassador for Zee TV was present at the Zee TV Canada booth and took photographs with fans lined up all night and also autographed each and every one of them! He interacted with fans on what masala the future episodes hold and endorsed Zee TV & ZEE Family. When Shabbir went on stage, he was greeted by the ecstatic audience singing for him and asking non-stop questions about the show. He even invited a few fans on stage and launched into an impromptu dance routine! He wrapped up the event by giving out Zee goodie bags to a few lucky winners.
It was Abhi, the Rockstar’s first appearance in Canada and he had a mesmerizing effect wherever he went as we heard from the grapevine, he almost got mobbed in Toronto city and at the airport delaying flights!
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