Peeper Tap Latest Code to get Rs. 100 OFF on Rs. 250
Install Peeper Tap App from Play Store. Then Shop for atleast Rs. 250 to get free home delivery. If you shop for Less than Rs. 250 then you will not get free home delivery. You will have to pay Rs. 50 for delivery charges.
Any Way Shop from Peeper Tap. Then while checkout type the code E5YGC and you will see that you got Rs. 100 off. You will have to pay Rs. 150 on the order of Rs. 250.
Code is E5YGC

If you order for Rs. 50 then your bill will be of Rs. 100 including Rs. 50 as delievery charges. And then type the Code is E5YGC. You will have to pay Zero on buying the goods of Rs. 50.
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